View Full Version : Your Help Is Needed

03-03-2012, 06:53 AM
For the mere price of a cup of coffee or that daily newspaper you could change a life. You will recieve a picture and a profile of your fingerling and be able to track it progress from the raising tank in the hatchery until it is grown enough to be moved to a raising ponds, thick with minnows that you have helped pay for! You will be able to follow it's life onto the stock truck and to a lake near you to be come a strong young adult waiting to bend your rod over and "make your trip" a special one. Then you will release her to live, your gift to other anglers and the sport of muskie fishing..........................................

Wait a minute I got my commercials mixed up..........just wanted to let you guys know that the lure raffle on ebay is over tonight so don't forget to bid!!!!!!!:D

Red Childress
03-03-2012, 07:30 AM
Did someone spike your coffee this morning?