View Full Version : Early Season Fishing

03-09-2012, 09:24 AM
Here in Illinois we don't have the restrictions protecting spawning Muskie because many of our lakes don't have suitable spawning habitat, so our DNR lets us cast as soon as the ice is out. I think most of the ice is gone.

So, how would y'all approach that very early season ? Throw big baits real slow, or use much smaller baits and cover water quickly ?

Thoughts ?

Mark Benson
03-09-2012, 03:13 PM
smaller baits and not so fast... at least to start...


03-10-2012, 01:24 PM
wonder why you don't try the illinois threads instead of this Wis Chippewa Flowage thread?

Mark Benson
03-10-2012, 03:02 PM

We probably will give him more info than he will ever get from an IL thread... Kind of just the way it is, we are willing to talk more and he posts regularly here, maybe even more trust...


03-10-2012, 08:56 PM
Mostly to stimulate conversation about Muskie fishing, deantre. Its possible that the tactics anglers employ who fish other waters could be applicable for my local lake. It's a sharing of ideas and concepts thing.

Mark Benson is correct, the folks who post here really know their fishing. It is prudent to digest what they offer. Thank you, Mark Benson.

So deantre, how would you approach early season presentations where you fish ? Care to share ?

Ty Sennett
03-12-2012, 08:39 AM
Robert is the first guy to ever hire me so whatever Robert wants to ask he shall be granted an answer. He has unlimited access due to hiring me for 23 years straight.;)

Back to the question, I usually try smaller baits n the Chip like the Slammer five inch crankbait or the smaller Big Game twitchbaits. Rattletraps and bass sized spinnerbaits work also. If you fish a lake with Mississippi Strain(MN spotted strain) or a lake with cisco try larger baits like MagDawgs or large jerkbaits/gliders. Every lake has it's little quirks though, like Rattletraps on Cave Run, or bass spinnerbaits on the Chip. I'd say overall cover water slow but with a bait that gives you a lot of action for not moving fast.

Thanks for the question Robert,

03-15-2012, 09:25 AM
Didn't mean to step on toes, just hoped to get some of the other threads more active with people in those areas posting to their area threads. I estimate that this site has atleast 60% more post than the next most used thread. Petenwell for example had a handful of post over the year yet I know many who fish it. Course you are the driving force with a great following.
My thoughts on spring fishing are being a bit more subtle in the presentation if the fish are shallow, not spooking em flinging a pounder up shallow. The water is clearer early in the year usually and the fish are a bit spookier. On matching the hatch, they will hit small but my nod would go with a medium sized presentation that has good action at a bit slower speed and maybe slightly downsized. I have had luck on the chip when no one else was getting any action by going to a totally different blade color, keeping it to myself for now but had fish moving in the hot of the summer when no one else was. Put a little ball of solder on the end of the clicker on my pacemakers and it causes the clicker to plane up at a slower speed which has also worked well. Use soft solder though so you don't beat up the blade. Have caught many northerns on a red lelure creeper with white wings, course they never seem to not get hooked. On muskies have not had much success though have noted a few at indian trails who have done well with them. Personally I would like to fish a bit quicker and use the creeper to go back at prime time once I know where an active fish is. Dean

Mark Benson
03-15-2012, 10:34 AM

A noble attempt and I agree that it would be nice to see other threads get a bit more active... But as you also stated the popularity of each thread is due to the exchange of thoughts by the host as well and Ty takes the time to talk!!!

I watch/post on In-Depth Outdoors, Fishinginfo and Lake Link. I do use a name change on Lake-link, but not here or IDO as each of these sites doesn't allow the crappy banter/insults to certain philosophies. There are a number of sites I don't even visit for that very reason. If you look over each of the states that certain websites use, its is impressive that WI is more willing to talk than most other areas.

I am glad we embrace that ideal.
