View Full Version : Popko's Question

03-30-2012, 12:52 PM
Does anyone remember the location of Popko's resort? My Dad and Grandpa went there and I recently discovered that one of the people that is coming with our large party to Ft. Flambeau in June had parents that stayed there as well.

My Dad had told me it burned down at some point but I really don't know the history. One of our goals of the bi-annual trip is to get another generation hooked on the TFF and we will be explaining a lot of the history to them, visiting old resorts their grandparents stayed at (Cry of the Loon when it was Shamets, Cedar Lodge, etc.).

Any memories would be appreciated.

04-03-2012, 08:28 AM
By water, Popko's Resort, then Casey & Lu's and before they finally condoed it off, Tutt's, was located northwest of Fisherman's Landing at the spot where the flowage narrows down to the area that leads to Merkle Lake. We used to call this spot "propeller alley". We would watch the unsuspecting fisherman go motoring through and just wait for him to 'find a rock'. I admit to having sheared a few pins and broken a couple of props, because in my bullet proof armor of youth...I knew where all the rocks were! Yeah right.

By road, take Popko's Circle East Road. About a mile +- past Fisherman's Landing the road, now Popko's Circle West Road, will curve to the right. There will an entrance that cuts back to the left, this is the road that leads to the old resort. Sorry this is so sketchy, but I haven't driven back there since Casey Sliwicki died. Also, to my knowledge, the resort never burned, but I could be wrong there.

If you need anything else, let me know. It was a great place and a spot I viewed as "magic". I began staying there with my folks when I was 3 years old...that will be 60 years ago this summer. Shees!

Flambeau dreamer
04-03-2012, 11:19 AM
tutt road is the name you were meaning. That's where the resort was, there is a road that cuts back to the right off of tutt.... not sure if that helps. You can find it on google earth.

04-03-2012, 04:30 PM
Here's the sat view of what Popko's looks like now.


Hey Dreamer thanks for the reminder about the sat view.

Now I have to go see if I can find the place Tiny is talking about!

04-04-2012, 10:26 AM
Wow, thanks for all the good info!

04-04-2012, 09:14 PM
i heard you folks mention "tutt". is that the well-known "bill tutt" archer that i heard about? or is it someone else?

04-05-2012, 11:18 AM
Bill Tutt is the Archer and Musky fisherman who owned Tutt's Flambow Resort after Casey and Lu. The reference to the resort burning down involved a fire that occured in the old bar that was a converted garage attached to the house. I believe the bar burned down in the winter of 1967 or 1968. The bar was re-built and was a pizza, hamburger and beer bar in the 60's and 70's. Bill worked for Bear Archery before he purchased the resort form Casey. He was a world class bow hunter holding, at the time, a number of records for his archery hunting expertise. I had the pleasure of working for Bill and Marje for two summers at the resort and fished Musky with Bill when there was a south or southwest wind. The resort became condo, acturally a cooperative, in about 1975.

Another note: Pine Trees Hideaway was also built by Joe Popko.

04-05-2012, 05:41 PM

Thanks for confirming the fire. However, I think your timeline is a bit off. I stayed at the resort when Tutt's owned it in 1973 and the bar was pretty much like it had always been. Casey & Lu had just sold the resort a year or so earlier so that would have to put the fire after the summer of '73 or at least after the 3rd week in July.

And you are right about Joe starting out on the Turtle side. My grandfather used to go up there in the late 30's and if he wanted to fish the Flambeau side it was easier and faster to go use the boats Joe had beached at the sight of the resort he later built there. Just bit more trivia, as a kid I remember the old Turtle side resort was named Checky's. Now that's going back a ways. I'm gonna venture into a trunk we have in the attic and see if I can unearth some photos I can scan in and put a couple up.

If I never return from the attic, just hold a memorial on Dollar Island! :D

Flambeau dreamer
04-06-2012, 11:18 AM
Actually, Tutt's old resort still has three cabins for rent. I stay there whenever I get a chance to escape Illinois.
If interested, the website is Flambeaulodging.com...... and the three cabins at the old resort that are still for rent are, Fisherman's point, The guide shack, and Marge's house.
Only a month til I'm home again.

Butternut Bomber
04-07-2012, 02:02 AM
I believe Bill Tutt was also a legendary Musky fisherman.I did,nt know he worked for Bear.

04-07-2012, 08:38 AM
Checky's is now Deadhorse Lodge and next to that was Birch Point owned by Al Feece son-in-law to Popko

04-07-2012, 10:09 AM
I really enjoy reading the old stories and history of the TFF....especially Bill Tutt and others....thanks to everyone for sharing your memories.

When we first started fishing the TFF (12-15 years ago), I believe we stayed at a cabin near Tutt's resort....in fact it may have been one of those mentioned above. At the time, I recall someone mentioning that Tutt's building was being razed and I recall walking among the debris and reminiscing what the place was like years ago.....it was really cool!

George.....hope you made it back from the attic. Would love to see any pics that you can find!!

04-07-2012, 10:18 AM
If anyone else has any stories or info on Joe Popko I'd be much obliged. He was my great grandfather. I love hearing my grandparents talk about him and the stunts he used to pull.

Flambeau dreamer
04-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Yes, Bill Tutt was a tremendous musky fisherman. I still fish many of his old haunts on the tff.
Wish I could have fished with him.

04-08-2012, 03:47 PM
Joe was my very first walleye guide on the TFF in 1966. I used his expertise 3 times. Limited out [18] walleyes every time by lunch.
My wife had never caught a fish in her young life at that time and asked why I could never do this without a quide.
We used only nitecrawlers straight down the side of the boat at a log or stump. Three to four minutes was max time until he either caught fish or he
always said "going up" and that meant to get your line in the boat immediatetly!!!!! "going up" meant he was going up the the river to bonnies mound
for shore lunch and a snooze.
At the end of the trip,we were always invited in to his home for a quick shot of brandy.
We stayed at both, Bill Tutts,and Pine trees hideaway. I taught Bill and Marge's son how to ride a unicyle. Casey put in a water pump for me on my 6 hp
Tom from Iowa.

04-15-2012, 03:34 PM
TRD, your timeline would be correct.
Jim, who now owns Tutt's main house/bar and four of the cabins started going to the resort in 1969 and the new bar had already been built.

04-15-2012, 06:28 PM
Tutt's bought the resort in about 1966
Cabin #8 has a chimney etched with- R. Popko-June 1945
R. Popko could be a relative who was helping?

Jack Hitz
05-10-2012, 09:32 PM
The only one I can think of is Robert (Bob) Popko, He is Joe and Ruth's son. He was deaf and didn't talk, but he was a great guide. I used to come up there with my grandparents the 1st 3 weeks of July. He would guide my grandfather at least once a week while we were there. Fritz Sund was my granfather and a close family friend Muzzy would always go, sometimes I was allowed to go with, but it was a long day, sometimes it was more fun to stay in camp. My grandparents started taking me up there when I was 1 or 2 and went every year until my grandfather died in 1965,stopped going while in the service then started back up in 1972. Stay 1 year when Tutt had the place, then went across the bay to Norway Point. If you want more info email me and I'll see what I can come up with.

The Frog caster
05-18-2012, 02:19 PM
I remember as a kid of 10yrs. old back in the very early sixties @ Popko's resort playing with the pet rabbits Joe had in cages. I was there with my Dad, Al Gilbertson and Art Krueger (Kruegers resort Grand Portage lake). I remember sticking my hands thru the chicken wire trying to pet the rabbits. Joe yelled at me (just joking) saying those rabbits will bite your hands off !!!! I quickly pulled my hands away and ran like hell towards my Dad. Art said if I didn't behave they would use me for bait and dip my carcas between the log jams !!! Needless to say my fears were quickly diminished when those stumps and log jams produced Walleye like you wouldn't believe !!! The Flowage had so many eye's I remember Al saying "we could walk across the Flambeau on thier backs" !!! Regards, Larry F. "frog caster"