View Full Version : Any tips???

04-13-2012, 05:21 PM
Hi, i'm new to the lake and have been searching for musky. Been out 7 or so times and have seen only one small follower. Been using 1-2 oz spinnerbaits with trailer grubs or shads and been fishing shoreline almost everywhere in the plant area and all the way to the spillway... Should i head farther north or fishing too shallow???

Chad Cain
04-14-2012, 08:21 PM
Don't feel bad, fishing has been pretty tough lately. Ever since the water cooled off from last weeks cold spell, fishing has been spotty. Some days we see up to 15 fish, and then the very next day we may only see just a few. Don't get discouraged. Try other areas of the lake too. When I first starting fish Kinkaid almost twenty years ago, that is what I loved most. Breaking down each section of the lake and learning all of the structures. I think once the weather gets stable again, things will really turn on. We were seeing about 25 fish a day before the cold front came!!!