View Full Version : Pounding your spots

Red Childress
04-14-2012, 07:28 AM
After a grueling day of blue bird skies and not moving any muskies after 8 hours and 15 minutes of fishing, we caught 2 in the last 15 minutes of our trip yesterday. My gang from NJ were wearing down, body parts already cramping up and team morale was very low when we pulled into our last spot of the day.......a spot we had already fished twice but I guess the third time was the charm.

The sun was getting low and a shade line had formed so we decided to throw deep into the shade and working our baits along the line while increasing our retrieve speed hoping to trigger some action..........and it worked. Both fish hit within 20 yards of each other and both were right on the shade line. The moral of the story is to keep pounding your confidence spots and tweaking your presentation during tough weather patterns.

On a side note, the most impressive fish of the day was an absolute giant rainbow trout that followed to the boat and went around once on a fig-8! As you know the rainbows are Spring spawners and have been very aggressive this past week chasing musky baits and slashing at them. This particular fish was in the low-30 inch class and a solid 10+ pounds..............the largest I have ever seen in this river without a doubt.

04-14-2012, 04:14 PM
WHAT'S THE WATER LEVEL ?? usace has been showing low floiw; what are they saving it for? sounds like it's time to make the haul up

Red Childress
04-14-2012, 07:02 PM
1170 cfs............they have been holding it back to fill it up. Now that they are getting close to summer pool, they are releasing a little more. It was 720 cfs earlier in the week and very interesting to be flying around at 40mph.