View Full Version : Anybody Want to Split a Guide Trip in June???

Jeremy Hopland
04-24-2012, 08:26 PM
I'm going to be vacationing in the Eagle River area June 9th through 22nd and want to do a guide trip with one of the RFRG guys, but I don't really want to foot the bill for a full-day trip all by myself... Any of you other "single" guys want to split a full-day trip with me? I'm not a "whacko", so you won't have to worry about me too much and I think Matt, Pete and Mat will all vouch for me :) - but I wouldn't necessarily take their word for it either! :cool:

Anyway, if you're interested, respond here or send me a PM and we'll discuss the details.


Jeremy Hopland
04-26-2012, 03:19 PM
62 views and 0 responses :confused: - Somebody must want to do a full-day guide trip for half-price :confused:

04-27-2012, 03:11 PM
i might be available to split a day in june, text me back at rbmuskiehunter@gmail.com