View Full Version : Last Cast of the Day...

05-12-2012, 08:36 PM
Well, I finally have my first "last cast of the day" Musky. My bro and I were just finishing up an evening of fishing a bit after sunset and he mentions its his last cast. Well, I had just thrown a cast and was about to say the same thing when a nice mid 30's Musky was nice enough to slam my fly about 15' from the boat! This fish had no plans to make things easy and decided to test my agility by fighting near or under the boat most of the time. Luckily, I was able to guide it into the net after a minute or 2. After hearing/reading so many stories about people getting some fish on their last casts of the day, it was nice to join that crew. :)


Red Childress
05-13-2012, 05:41 AM
Hey Jay................You are not going to believe this but we smacked a nice post-spawn fish yesterday on the last cast as well........(I feel like a shmuck even posting this and hijacking your thread. :))

She showed up late and came in hot and ate on the first turn of the 8. Our fish ate a firetiger Phantom soft-tail. I had logged in this moring with the intent of naming "my thread" the exact same title as yours.

Congrats on your fish not to mention the fact that you banged yours on the fly. Nice going man!

05-13-2012, 07:27 AM
Congratulations guys!

Red, I'm glad to hear you hit a post-spawn fish.

I had one of the largest musky I've ever seen come in on the last cast, but not hook up. That makes it really hard to go home.
However, I'm sure nailing one on the last cast makes it very easy to pack up after a long day!

Way to go guys!

05-13-2012, 11:18 AM
Thanks, congrats to you guys too. Thats hilarious that we almost had 2 threads about the same type of scenarios!!

This fish was nice enough to grab the fly and turn almost setting the hook itself. I could use a lot more of those kinds of strikes. :) It just seemed that once the sun finally went down, the fish decided it was snack time. We hadn't moved anything before that.