View Full Version : online lic's direct from MNR,simple easy before trip

Steve Herbeck
05-17-2012, 02:33 PM
just recieved this notice from MNR regarding easy alternative for purchasing lic's online before trip.
this was directed to resort operators but it is the same for anyone as those they are talking about in their notice were simply using the operators computer once there same as they could do from home or work prior to trip.we do have machine at camp as do sport shops on the way and in town but at first it will be a bit time consuming for us as we get familiar with it,
notice and link below;

A number of operators have recently been in touch with us with question and concerns around the new MNR License Automation System. For many operators, the MNR license website is an easy alternative.

What you will need?

1. A computer with internet connectivity that is hooked up to a printer to print the temporary licence.

2. The computer must have Acrobat Reader software installed.

We have spoken to several operators who chose to go this route and it worked very well for them. They made their computer available to their guest to fill out their information and it was simple and efficient. Many of them who acquired the machine just to provide a service are now reconsidering whether they need the machine at all.

To access the MNR page to purchase the licence online enter address provided and it will take you to the MNR page.

05-18-2012, 12:30 PM
Steve the site is easy to use. Blake and I have already renewed our Outdoors Card and got licenses for our trip. See you and the gang in August. Too long to wait as usual.