View Full Version : super charts

06-12-2012, 10:00 PM
how cool would it be to get something like this for LotW???


map charts displaying water temps and bloom concentration levels?

06-13-2012, 06:15 AM
Indeed.As predicted,we'll soon be able to focus on the structure 'out there'.Great stuff.Imagery flotsam if you will.:cool:

06-13-2012, 06:49 AM
Thanks again.The 'tutorial' on the site destroyed(rendered moot or 'old hat' may be a better way to say it)a new chapter I'd thought done for my book.On the other hand,it confirmed my suspicions there's no need for me to write it or speculate cause the real world may already be where I was heading.('layer options';'phytoplankton drift';'eddies';'current lines';sheesh!)Thanks for that cause now I'm going fishing,not writing.:o
On the other hand,if you could borrow me about 300K-and then get military clearance to use the technology,I think I could get thermal imagery going that would actually show 'big' vs small fish at depths to at least 20 feet.Can you say 'comfort zone' for what we seek?Would appreciate the $$ and clearance soon so I could practice using it before you get here.Just think,instead of fishing point A and then point B,we'll catch those in between.(where the biggies are 95% of the time anyway)
Look forward to hearing from you.