View Full Version : Tough Bite Weekend

Pete Stoltman
06-13-2012, 07:35 AM
Dang, it was tough this weekend. I spent a bunch of time fishing smallies and prepping for a guide trip on Monday. Fished deep clear water where I had been on the fish really well a week and more ago. As expected the warmer water seemed to put the fish deeper and my electronics lit up at the 12'-15' level but getting those buggers to hit was a chore and a half. So here's what I tried: jigging a live leech, drop shotting a live leech, crankbaits, wacky worm, spinnerbait, kitchen sink. Finally had some success with the spinnerbaits and had to slow roll them down the breakline to get a bite. On the positive side I did manage to catch my best smallmouth of the year so far at 20.5". Fun fight and had another large smallie follow it up to the surface. Later tried going into shallow weeds just to find some action and managed a handful of pike, largemouth bass, and even a walleye all on the spinnerbait. High winds really made boat positioning a constant chore and the bright sun on clear water didn't help I'm sure. Cool down on Tuesday seems like a welcome change from the comfort standpoint and the wind decreased a bit. Hoping that will get things going as we head towards the weekend.

Fishing the Bob Ellis Classic Row Trolling Tournament this weekend with my son Peter and his fiance Ericka. This is a really low key event and lots of fun for us goofballs who like to row around the lake pulling baits. Looking forward to just some darn fun fishing.

Occifer Kevin
06-13-2012, 05:49 PM
Great Report Pete! I've noticeed the same type of thing down here on the Bay of Green. With this crazy weather I think it's got the Smallies a bit confused. It's either warm and windy with temps in the 90's or cold with temps dipping into the 40's here the past couple of nights. I fished Little Sturgeon Bay a little over a week ago in one of these cool down periods and the water temp was in the upper 50's. I went out last Sunday and it had jumped up into the lower 70's! It was about a 14 degree temp change in little less then a weeks time. That's too drastic in my book. Hopefully we can start getting some stable temps to level things out here a bit and get these smallies to turn on! I've seen a few muskies cruzing around while out for smallies but they don't seem very interested in anything either. I hope this weather isn't a sign of things to come for this summer.....