View Full Version : Big Chip report for the weekend 6-23, 6-25 2012 and lead free jigs

06-26-2012, 07:46 AM
Hi everyone,

Get caught up on my reports. Guided Mike and Don out of Oak Shores on Saturday morning for a half day. With rain for most of the morning with a wind from the SW making a good walleye chop, we fished hard without much to show for it. We wound up catching 2 walleyes and some Sm bass and bluegills, but that was all we could muster. Fished the deep wood again and I could see lots of fish on the electronics, but they would not hit our jigs and leeches that we were throwing at them. That's why they call it fishing.

On Monday I guided a trio staying at the old mittelstats resort. With mainly a high blue sky and plentifull sunshine and almost no wind, we had steady and consistent action. Using jigs and leeches fishing "The Walleyemaxx System", out on the deep woody humps, we caught a total of 12 walleyes about 2 dozen Sm bass, lots of perch, bluegills and even a rock bass.

Two weeks ago, I started a new project. I now make lead free jigs. I am not marketing them yet. I am in the process of field testing them and provide them free to my clients who are helping me field test them. So far all the comments are very positive. They are a little different from the toxic lead jigs, but so far are performing great. we owe it to the environment to be good stewarts of our resources and polluting with the toxic lead jigs is not a good way to go. By the end of this year if my lead free jigs prove to be as good as they are currently performing, I will market them for next year. My clients will be my field testers this year,so if you would like to help me test my new jigs, give me a call for a guide date. Good luck fishing everyone.
