View Full Version : How far do you go?

06-29-2012, 07:46 PM
How far of runs do you make while staying at baystore? Anyone go way north or just stick around the angle?

06-29-2012, 09:08 PM
I've been north to the far end of Big Narrows near Wiley Pt and south to the Basil Channel.
most I've done is around 90 miles in one day with lots of hopping around and back and forths between a couple long runs.

of course, i've had just as much action 3 minutes from the resort as 30 minutes away, so for me it's wanderlust and definitely not a "need" in order to catch fish.

06-29-2012, 09:14 PM
We usually make a run to Wileys at least once during our trip. There are a few nice spots up in that area that we like to hit so we go in for a beer or two. I've never gone north of there. South east we go down to Pony Island area. I just like the adventure while up there. 2 weeks away! Can't wait!

06-30-2012, 04:53 AM
Honestly,there are muskies as far as you can drive in any direction.(well,straight south might be challenging but there's some.)Nowadays,don't travel anywhere with the idea of hitting a secret area or avoiding people.Can't do it-not in the age of sophisticated electronics.An earlier thread talked of some areas being hot while others are cold.Certainly true this year so far but it will change with time and conditions.
Anyway,travel as far as you want or can afford but not because of fishing.Chips etc have made the earth flat and you won't fall off but you'll just meet some new people when you do.For me,I'll paddle around home on my gas,drive like crazy if it's Jeff or Mikes gas.On Jeff's gas I'd have lunch in Morson,dinner in Kenora and maybe an ice cream cone in S Narrows between.Fun to meet new people.

07-01-2012, 03:45 PM
Interesting update.My wife and I drove to Kenora today.(she wanted Starbucks,I wanted Figure 8 Bait shop)By far the most musky boats were in the area about half way between.Then,much to my surprise,there were more musky boats near and in Kenora than around here.That will perhaps change in july but just saying.....

07-02-2012, 03:01 PM
So how does this work?...if you only go far on MY gas, do I owe you for your trip to Kenora/Starbucks? Wow, this trip is going to be tough if I owe gas before I even get there. As for Mike, he burns a lot of gas only because he goes everywhere in reverse. Takes him 4 hours to get to Monkey Rocks on windy days.

07-02-2012, 03:49 PM
Never thought it would happen but I gave you an 'A' on this test.Congrats!
Yes,you do owe me for the Kenora/Starbucks trip.(cash or credit card please)
Yes,Mike goes in reverse.(in fairness though,he does have splash guards for those windy days.)
I'll add,for passing the test,and assuming pre arrival payment of my Kenora gas bill,I will mark a new map for you.Guarantee you will see some interesting structure and have success unlike previously experienced.I'll even throw in a copy for your old boat buddy Sully.

07-02-2012, 05:26 PM
I have been staying near kenora for years and the last few years I have seen ALOT more musky fisherman then ever near town and southeast from there. You guys make it much up that far? I have a hard time branching out from the northern part of the lake because of pressure and because of the fishing.

07-03-2012, 08:18 AM
i don't think i could bring myself to drive that far when the fishing is just fine close by.

well, okay, maybe for Starbucks...but only if i could figure out how to make the pointy end of the boat go first.
i added a kicker motor this year, so now i can go backwards even slower.

07-04-2012, 09:53 AM
dp I look forward to the new marked up map. I'll pay double if you don't throw in a copy for my old boat partner...I'll mark up a fresh one for him to use (it might look a little different than the one you give me though. It might look a lot like the middle of Little Traverse)