View Full Version : Question on posession limit

07-12-2012, 10:06 PM
I have a question regarding posession limits.

Let's say my party of 3 has zero Walleyes in camp. We catch and eat 6 Walleyes for shore lunch.

Once these fish are consumed, am I back at zero fish in my posession?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Steve Herbeck
07-13-2012, 06:50 AM
yes and no.
your fish consumed at shorelunch is part of your possession for that day.
you could do the same the next day,or bring 6 in for supper,or process and freeze 6 fish for taking home.
once you have your limit of 2 or the group of 3 has 6 in the freezer they must be consumed before you can possess any more for any reason,shorelunch,supper,whatever.
this is a conservation lic limit,sportsmans lic would be 12 for a group of 3.