View Full Version : and then the bad...

07-20-2012, 10:24 AM
Been pretty good salmon fishing out of Escanaba this year but you couldn't tell by last night. Hit the water about 630 fishing til 10 from portage pte to 2 miles S of the FRC. Could not buy a hit. Even with BSG onboard. Time to start traveling further. Its a bummer cause I really like being able to fish so close to home. Beautiful night on the water, though, at least we had that :)

Water temps pretty uniform, 70 down 56-58, on bottom in 95fow 52. Did find some pockets od 51 80 down over 100+fow. Marked some hooks but NO BAIT. It's scary how little bait I'm marking over deep water this year. I'm afraid the scientists may be correct, this fishery is going down the tubes. I hope they are wrong!

07-20-2012, 07:53 PM
I've been hitting 95fow and heading south out of Esky quite a bit lately too, and have done OK for being a newby.. This past week, I've noticed surprisingly more baitfish further north than closer to the FRC. Not sure how to explain this -- any ideas? 0 for 1 two nights ago, water is WARM with this prevailing SE wind.