View Full Version : AML Stay July 7 -14

07-21-2012, 12:00 PM
Our group of 13 stayed at AML the week of July 7 - 14th. Our group has been to AML every year since 2006 or so. Biggest fish of the trip was a 40" Northern and a 29.75" walleye. We mostly walleye fished, but we managed to sprinkle in a few hours of Musky fishing here and there. We did not catch any Muskys, but did see quite a few. In one evening of fishing Musky with Danny, 4 of us saw at least a dozen to 15 fish and we did not go much further up the Lake than Musky point. The only fish that bite and was caught that night was a 36" Northern. Our group caught a few other smaller Northerns while we were fishing for Musky's, but could not get one of the Eagle Lake Monster Musky's to play the game with us.

The walleye fishing was about average from what we have experienced in the past. We ate fresh fish every day while in camp and managed to catch our limit of eaters to bring home. 2 of our group went out the last morning to round out our limit. We also caught and released many, many slot and over fish. I do not know the numbers of these fish as it is hard to keep track of all of them. I do know that one evening in the Narrows our group caught 34 walleyes. 33 of them were over 20" and 6 of them were over 28" with the biggest being right at 29". Of those walleyes 6 of them were caught on topwater baits. If you have never experienced topwater walleyes, it is something amazing. Those fish have different stouter build than any walleye I have seen before.

Walleyes were mostly on the humps and we caught them best from 14' to 18' most days. If the fish were on the tops of the humps, they were the most active. We caught fish on minnows, leeches and crawlers, and we used both jigs and lindy rigs to catch them. Just have to see what the fish prefereed at that time and spot. We also had luck trolling stick baits in Nash's Bay one evening. One boat caught 17 walleye in 1 hour trolling and the other boat caught 15. They hardly had time to get all 3 of their lines set before there was another "FISH ON!"

Thanks to Steve, Danny and the rest of the crew. They certainly know what they are doing and will go out of their way to help you out. If you are having trouble catching fish or need something to make your stay better, all you have to do is ask. They are all there to help. We are already planning our return trip in 2013!