View Full Version : Only once in my life................

Frank Walsh
07-28-2012, 04:01 PM
Who has ever seen a baby pelican here? No one. Not one person has ever said to me that they have seen one, or knows someone that has. Until now. About three years ago I was walleye fishing with Jerry Halverson in September when we stumbled on a lone bird on a nearby rock. It swam over to us, and we noticed that it was about 2/3 size, and had a pinkish bill. Joined us for a meal, then retired to the rock.

Just got the pictures from Jerry this week. Like to hear the pelican's version of the story!


07-30-2012, 09:43 PM
That was a fun day! I could not believe that it came right to the boat and did that. Probably never happen again. By the way I made it home Saturday with no issues. Thanks again for a great time and it was good seeing you and Laura. Looking forward to being back for ice season and it will be my 12th year coming up to Bay Store.