View Full Version : Chip Swimming Beaches

08-01-2012, 05:54 PM
Heading up to the Chip Saturday and will be bringing my family. That now means not only my wife, but twin 18 month old boys. I'm familiar with the swimming beach on Eagles Nest and the one that's SW of Weiner Island. We'll be staying in Moore's Bay. Any other shallow swimming beaches that I could use if those are full, or better yet that are closer?

Thanks for any help!

Dan Hardy
08-02-2012, 02:42 PM
There are quite a few that are right around the area of Eagles Nest, Weiner, etc. Some are dependent on water level. Not going to find much around Moores bay as that is so rocky but out around Chipmunk there are a few sandy points.

Oh... I forgot to mention. I will be up there with my 12 MO twins at the same time so maybe we will see you on the beaches.

08-03-2012, 10:58 AM
Chipmunk has a sandy area on the NE point. I've also seen people swimming on the SE corner of Sister Island, which is the big island just northwest of chipmunk. Further south, I believe there is a swimming area by Campers Island which is East of church bars.

Also, I believe the lake is about a foot and a half down, so there should be plenty of sandy shorelines exposed to check out.

Good luck!