View Full Version : Right of way on the lake???

08-04-2012, 03:12 PM
How about this one.....speaking of right of way.
It was the thursday of the big storm there last week. Jake and I had just caught a pike on Kinzua, we were trolling and running planer boards out maybe 50-60 feet from the boat so we could run a bait along the shore and still be in 20-40 feet of water depending on the shoreline drop off. I mention to Jake to take the wheel, make a super big swing while I check the rods. We'll run back through there and see if we can get another one, was lots of bait in that area.
Jake swings wide out to the middle of the lake and is running straight down the middle like I asked him too.

While I'm checking all the rods he said dad there is a boat coming fast.....I'm like, so what he'll go around us don't worry about it.

(we are between Willow and Sugar bay, I can see the mouth of Willow and back to the big bridge)

Jake mentioned it again and it was getting closer......I'm still taking care of things and tell him that it will go around stop worrying about it. Finally Jake scream dad he's going to hit the planer board. I look up and he's right this moron is 50 yards from us still on plane.....I run to the front of the boat screaming and waving my arms. He jacks it in netural and stops, I point to the board so he turns broad side right in front of me.......just sitting there.
I scream to get the "F" outta the way so he moves and cuts around us heading straight to the other planer board on the other side. I hollar again and point at it and scream "get the F away from me!!!!!"

He waves, smiles, and drives around us and leaves.............I couldn't believe it.
I could see 5-6 miles worth of lake and this moron has to drive by me on plan that close, not paying attention at all.
I couldn't imagine what would happen if he'd hit our board while he was on plane. Rip the mast off the front, fly through the windshield, hit us???? Hopefully just the towline would brake or the brake on the mast would slip.

The river right away will always be a debate......on the lake, midweek, two boats on the water.....no reason he should of been within 200 yards of me let alone 50-60 feet of me.....

He got the point I was pissed, he was lucky I didn't have any lead weights handy to start throwing!!!!

08-05-2012, 03:22 AM
That's crazy. It's tough to mentally recover and have a good time after something like that.
It's almost like they want to get as close as possible just to say "Look at me!... I'm an A-hole"

08-07-2012, 06:51 PM
right of way aside, try trolling from a kayak on a lake (especially Arthur). Depending on the boat traffic you will hear "I didn't know you were fishing" repeatedly as you try to keep boats from tangling their props in your lines.