View Full Version : Team Green - "DONG"

c green
08-05-2012, 08:04 PM
UPDATE: A new post to protect the not so innocent (you know who you are). While it was tough sledding last week, it started off nicely with Seth's personal best. By 7PM Friday it was looking like that would be the only fish for the week (despite several missed opportunities). However, at 8PM, with lightning striking nearby, it happened. After a 49.75 each of the last two years, I made damn sure to measure this one several times.

Thanks again to176261762717628 Laura and Frank for another great week! Can't wait to get back.[

08-05-2012, 08:37 PM
A beauty.Congrats again.Must have taken a great net person!

Frank Walsh
08-05-2012, 08:43 PM
First fish, and last fish of the week. Quite the "bookends"!!!!

c green
08-05-2012, 09:11 PM
Yes, as DP mentioned, I only hooked the fish, Michelle gets 100% of the credit for an outstanding performance on the net - her first! And as Frank mentioned, what a trip - cant ask for better than a bell ringer on the first and last day!

08-06-2012, 06:53 PM
Big congrats to team green - nice to get that last 1/4"! Hopefully they'll still be cooperative next week...well, technically later this week!

Ed Spoerl
08-07-2012, 01:02 PM
Is it just me or does that fish have the look of embarrassment, almost like "crap I had to be the first 50 Green caught". Just kidding buddy! Nice fat girl and a pretty nice place to enjoy with the family. Now look out those 50's will be an every year occurrence.