View Full Version : Carp tips?

Bill Gardner
08-13-2012, 06:16 PM
Now there's a title you don't see every day. A cousin is coming up to visit us on the Chip next week and he's a serious carp enthusiast. I know there are large carp in the Chip but have no idea where to look for them. Any suggestions for how to corral the wily carp? Preferably somewhere near the Golden Fawn.

08-13-2012, 08:28 PM
You would do well to start stocking up on cheap canned corn and start chumming. Pick 2-3 flat areas that adjoing the basin and chum with aprox 3 cans of corn each every night for about a week. I would not go back in a bay, but a flat in front of a bay would be ok. If they are using the area they will hone in on the nightly spread and you can have some amazing fishing. The question I would have is how many carp are actually in the flowage? When you see them in the spring/early summer, you have to realize they are concentrated for spawning and those impressive clusters may not be all that great spread out over the size of the flowage. If you do find a group and get it coming to the chum, they can be very easily trained, and the Chip has a good number of 10-20lb fish and those are tremendous fighters.

Ty Sennett
08-16-2012, 08:07 AM
Bill, I think your cousin is going to have a really tough time catching carp out here. I don't know of anyone that has ever caught one. Suckers, yes, but not any carp. This might be the one lake where catching muskies is easier than catching carp.

Bill Gardner
08-16-2012, 06:26 PM
How about this one from last summer? 42 pounds from Deer Run site.