View Full Version : Oct 7th & 8th

Jon G
08-15-2012, 09:37 AM
I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is when I was up on the Chip last week I didnt catch a musky. The good news is when you take my father in law and I out on Oct 7th and 8th i will be at cast 9,999. The pressure will be on my friend and if you need an extension for you fishing net let me know i can arrange that. I want no excuses this year and since my father in law caught the first last year, he can sit and wait until i catch the first this year. See you in october, when it gets closer i will give you a call to confirm what time on Sunday night.


Ty Sennett
08-16-2012, 07:44 AM
You guys looked like you had your hands full with the kids. Hard to get much fishing in. We'll make up for it in October.