View Full Version : Follow AGS on Twitter

Red Childress
08-17-2012, 12:04 PM
Yes, I am a 43 year old balding guy with cauliflower ears who is stumbling around trying to keep up with technology. I vowed to never let technology get too far ahead of me after watching my 98 year old great-grandmother's confused reaction when she saw herself on a video camera back in 1994 during a family outing. So, I created a Twitter account a few months ago just to see what it was all about........now I have 3 followers. I must confess that I have enjoyed reading Tweets from the Olympic wrestlers over the past 3 weeks but to actually sit and wait for a Tweet from someone has not peaked my interest as of now.

Anyway, I will attempt to Tweet from time to time in my attempt to appease the under 30 crowd who might also be interested in fishing. Man, the world sure has changed over the past few years.
