View Full Version : "Musky Summit" October 3rd 2012

HD Fatboy
08-21-2012, 05:10 AM
As per the Trib Review, Aug 19th, 2012:

All of the details have yet to be worked out, but the commission is going to hold a "musky summit" on Oct 3 in Pittsburgh. The commission is holding it's next regular quaterly meeting in the city 2 days before. The musky summit- which will focus on musky management, fisheries, and the future of the sport and involve biologists, avid musky anglers, and others- will follow. It is open to the public. An agenda for the event will be released in the next few weeks.

Red Childress
08-21-2012, 06:35 AM
Joe Houck had contacted me about this a couple of weeks ago but since it is being held on a weekday, that will likely rule me out and many other guys who live too far away to attend. I hope it goes well and the guys in the "know" get a vivid picture of just how passionate and conservation minded our fellow musky anglers are here in NW PA.

08-21-2012, 06:34 PM
Do you have a link to the story? I would like to go if my schedule allows. If not, let me know where and what time.


HD Fatboy
08-22-2012, 04:45 AM
Do you have a link to the story? I would like to go if my schedule allows. If not, let me know where and what time.


I got this from another Muskie Site, If and when they update there post, I will update it here. Sorry there is no info now, but the post says it should have an update in a few weeks.


08-24-2012, 08:45 AM
PA Fish & Boat Comm.
@YoughNessMonstr It is open to the public, will be at a location N of Pittsburgh on Oct. 2, from approx. 6:30pm-8:30, loc. not finalized yet

Damn Red, this twitter thing comes in handy.

HD Fatboy
09-10-2012, 09:23 AM
October 2nd, 6:30 pm at the Rose Barn, North Park

The Rose Barn is located across from the Boathouse, off of Pearce Mill Rd.

Pearce Mill Rd, North Park, McCandless Township, PA, 15091

HD Fatboy
09-25-2012, 05:45 AM
Here is the Link to the PFBC site about the Musky Management.

09-25-2012, 07:42 AM
I read it over the weekend. lots of good data for lakes, but not much for rivers.
The primary topic I took from it was...

The next five years will be focusing on evaluating the changes made in 2007 regs and recent hatchery methods.
-Begin surveying stocked rivers
-Begin collecting angler catch data
-Begin implementing either CWT or PIT tags for future data collection

Overall I thought it was a very well organized draft plan... a good starting point. I could see a lot of debate over the tagging method.

HD Fatboy
09-25-2012, 10:54 AM
It was a long read, but very good information. Did you click on the link for adding in your own comments?

09-25-2012, 11:38 AM
It was a long read, but very good information. Did you click on the link for adding in your own comments?

I did click on the link, but did not comment yet. They can be submitted through 11/30 so I figured I would hear what they had to say on 10/2 before commenting.

HD Fatboy
09-25-2012, 11:42 AM
Myself and a few others here I know of, can't make the meeting. I am assuming these are one in the same. However I am not sure. If you want to and can, maybe you can post back here some of the items disscussed at the meeting. I for one would appreciate it.

09-25-2012, 01:47 PM
Sure... I'll take some notes.
I hope there will be a good turnout. It seems like they've put a good bit of effort into this.
Since the PAFBC quarterly meeting is 10/1 and 10/2 I'm thinking there will be a good many reps from the commission there.

Larry Jones
09-30-2012, 07:59 PM
I have a couple days off from guiding early that week so I will make the meeting to listen and hear if anything being done in PA could help our muskie stocking program in NY.

Larry Jones
10-02-2012, 09:29 AM
I clicked on the link to read up on everything before I drove to the meeting tonight, to see you had to preregister and its closed.I have sent some emails to see if I can get in still,anyone have a contact I might call? I do not want to drive over 2 hours one way to not be able to get in the meeting.

10-02-2012, 02:32 PM
I clicked on the link to read up on everything before I drove to the meeting tonight, to see you had to preregister and its closed.I have sent some emails to see if I can get in still,anyone have a contact I might call? I do not want to drive over 2 hours one way to not be able to get in the meeting.

Per the Post Gazette Sunday paper, it is free and open to the public. The meeting is tonight.


Larry Jones
10-02-2012, 04:07 PM
Thanks! I'm there waiting at 5:00 pm,faster ride then I thaught.

HD Fatboy
10-04-2012, 04:40 AM
I got an update from the Meeting from another Musky Site- and figured I would put it here for any one interested.

They reviewed the draft copy of the plan and opened it up to public comment, which will be taken online until November 30th.

They spoke about the stocking program and how they have increased the size (length and weight) of fingerlings stocked greatly since 2007.

Every year they spend roughly $600,000 on musky stocking and produce the second highest total of muskies in the entire US.

They spoke about the use of PIT tags to track the egg laden females in the sanctuary (currently in use), and CWT tags to track fingerling muskies after 3 years of growth to determine native/stocked populations (going to be studied in 2013).

One female, PIT tagged in Pymatuning in 2007 at 38.5", 13 lbs , was recaptured in the sanctuary in 2010 at 50", 39 lbs... an amazing 6", 13lbs a year!

There is already an "Enhanced Musky" Program on the regulation books, which would limit a lake to a 45" size limit and 1 per day creel limit. There are currently no lakes under these regulations, but could potentially be in the future.

They want to study the results of the increase from 30"-40" size limit next year in 8 lakes in the state. They would like to collect 5 years of data to compare with the previous data they have, in order to determine results. Pymatuning would be used as a "control" lake, since the size limit is still set at 30".

Data will be collected on rivers, where data is historically void due to difficulty of sampling. Traditional trap net techniques aren't as effective, and therefore, different methods are needed to sample and gather "baseline" data on these waters.

Along with that, waters will be sampled to determine if there is more natural reproduction than previously thought. It was always "believed" to be very little, but there was never a study to determine if that was truly the case.

It was originally proposed as a 30" to 36" size limit increase by the state, but through the angler comment period, anglers asked for a 40" size limit and the board agreed. So public comment matters!!!!! http://www.fishandboat.com/musky-plan.htm

These are just some of the interesting bullet points I scribbled down. I'm sure some other guys can add more.

Also, a "Musky Stamp" was brought up, which John Arway said would need to be approved through legislation.

10-04-2012, 07:09 AM
It sounded to me like they were only acknowledging that they need to do more surveys in the river, but really have no plans in place to begin doing so. To paraphrase what one biologist said to me... "trapnets are useless in a flowing river and most muskies will power through an electrofishing current". I'm thinking they shouldn't survey the flowing sections of these rivers unless they have a reliable method of surveying that will give an accurate representation of the fish density.

Until they can come up with a better way of scientifically surveying a flowing river for muskies, maybe they should do it the way we do... with spotlights during the spawn :)

On a side note, it was nice to meet two of the board members there (Musky Jerk and Larry Jones). It's always good to put a face to a name.


Bob Seybold
10-06-2012, 02:43 PM
The PFBC. web site in the Featured Topics section has listed a Musky Plan comment forum, you will have to register online. This is a great chance for comments, opinions, proposals, and a chance to be heard. My wife and I both have commented. I'm not cool with the practice of dumping toxic chemicals into any waterway even if it is to control weeds like is happening in Lake Arthur. You dump chemicals in a waterway and you will be fined and possibly incarcerated and rightfully so. I also proposed for total C & R for Musky and Bass. Maybe this would increase the possibility for major tournements to be held in this state along with increased revenue. Now is a great chance for change for the good, be heard, the PFBC. wants your comments. I wanna catch more Muskies !:)

Red Childress
10-06-2012, 05:25 PM
Here is the comment link:


10-06-2012, 05:55 PM
No computer in 07 for last survey but I liked the muskies spread out between many waters. I wouldn't put a waterway in if I thought I was one of the few fishing it with success.Waters I fished with success despite being a greenhorn were eliminated.Now focusing alot of muskies into waters with trophy potential could possibly stunt and create many muskies but not trophies as pounds per acre won't allow trophies and numbers.