View Full Version : Hamm Challunge Watch

Muskie Nut
08-27-2012, 08:02 AM
For those that would like to keep tabs on the 2012 Gil Hammm Chapter Challunge you can click on this link. http://www.gilhamm.com/Gil_Hamm/Teams_Leaderboard.html. The challunge is from Wed (Aug 29) to Fri at noon.

I also heard from Cap City Team Capt Michael Winther this morning and he pens "I got a 46" on Friday night, Tony got a 41" and 42.5" today, Dan Okray got a 45" today.
those don't count for the Gil Hamm, but we seem to be finding some nice fish."

Keep up the great work guys!

08-29-2012, 05:53 PM

Michael Winther got a 46" and a 43
Dan Okray got a 45"
Tony Enger got a 41" and 42.5"
Jeff Orr got a 41"
Luke Breyer bagged a 50.25"


Muskie Nut
08-29-2012, 08:22 PM
I had heard someone from Mylie's had gotten a 50 1/4 last night on a weagle and my 1st thought it was that famous weagle lover Lamboo! But Luke was the man! Congrats Luke!!! Keep up the great work fellas!!!

08-29-2012, 08:49 PM
Day 1 update: 5 fish for our team: 41 and 39 by Dan Okray, 40.5, 37, and 36.5 by Michael Winther

This puts Capital City in 2nd place behind one of the Headwaters teams by only 2 points...


Muskie Nut
08-29-2012, 09:59 PM

08-30-2012, 08:36 PM
Day 2 of the Gil Hamm brought us 2 more muskies: a 42 and 38.5 by Luke Breyer both in the figure-8. This kept us in competition, we're now in 3rd place behind Chicagoland and Brainerd teams who each had mega days today. Final day tomorrow is from 6am-12noon.



Muskie Nut
08-31-2012, 10:26 AM
I hope you guys do well on Day 3 and bring home the bucket to Cap City. Unless i get a phone call, I won't know who won till I get back from Canada. Good luck guys and have a safe ride home.

08-31-2012, 04:58 PM
The full moon this morning wasn't quite enough to make the muskies bite. I popped a 35.5" but that was it for the Capital City team today at the Gil Hamm. A few teams had big days and overtook us, but we're proud of our 5th place finish overall (out of 22 teams). Congrats to Chicagoland on the win.


Final tally for Capital City was 8 fish:
Michael Winther: 40.5, 37, 36.5, 35.5
Luke Breyer: 42, 38.5
Dan Okray: 41, 39

Lots of "ifs and buts" due to losing a bunch of fish, but we had a great time!

Steve R
09-01-2012, 07:12 PM
Mike....We enjoyed the updates, thanks for keeping us advised. You guys did very well. 8 fish in is a good showing.