View Full Version : labor day weekend report

nick kahle
09-03-2012, 04:55 PM
was up from late friday till monday morning. saw 2 nice muskies in the upper 30's to 40. got a 49 incher on saturday mid day. also got a few pike casting spinners in shallow weeds and some nice bluegills along the bogs.

Ty Sennett
09-03-2012, 06:37 PM
Holly cow, that thing is a beast! Congrats on the huge fish.

09-03-2012, 07:13 PM
That thing is a monster! Nice fish. High midday sun too.

Mark Benson
09-03-2012, 11:49 PM

That thing is a toad!!!


09-04-2012, 07:59 AM
was up from late friday till monday morning. saw 2 nice muskies in the upper 30's to 40. got a 49 incher on saturday mid day. also got a few pike casting spinners in shallow weeds and some nice bluegills along the bogs.

Hey Nick,

This is Brandon Sura, It was my pleasure to help you out on that stud of a fish!! The pictures I took turned out pretty good. I was worried that they would look a little dark. Helping or asking a boat if they need help is a big part of CPR, not to mention some quality pics!! Congrats on you personal best!! It was a good release!!
One day I will need the favor returned.

Brandon Sura
Double B Taxidermy

09-04-2012, 02:53 PM
Wow. That is a nice fish. Great pics - those will last a lifetime. Congrats & nice release!!!

nick kahle
09-04-2012, 05:41 PM
brandon, thanks again for the help with the pics. my dad is still kicking himself for taking a mid day break.

Dave Hardy
09-07-2012, 03:50 PM
Ditto to all the comments so far...that fish is awesome!

Without giving up any of your intellectual property, share some details of the experience. Speaking for maybe just me, I love to hear the stories of a fish like that -- what you were using, the cast, follow, hit, help from the other boat, etc.

Great work!

nick kahle
09-07-2012, 04:49 PM
i guess i really don't need to keep the spot a secret. anyone who fishes the chip knows it. i got it on pete's. i just had a hunch about that spot that day because of the breeze that picked up right before we headed in for lunch. i just went out planning on hitting a couple spots. i went straight to the windy side of pete's. i got it on a cowgirl just reeling it at a steady pace. i saw another fish about 50 yds before i got the 49. the 49 hit out far from the boat. i didn't think it was as big as it was at first. it just wanted to stay down on the bottom and not jump. i fish lake michigan around milwaukee and have caught alot of lake trout. this fish felt the same, just alot heavier. just really hard to budge off the bottom. i netted the fish by myself and hooked the net on the cleat of the boat. the fish almost took the net in twice. it did give me an idea to put a rod saver strap on the front deck to hold the net handle down. the other boat came over and helped me get some good pics. normally i just use a small tripod and hit the timer on the camera. one thing i didn't get was a girth measurement to get a replica made. anyone have any guesses on that?

Dave Hardy
09-07-2012, 08:43 PM
Nick, nice recap! I wasn't looking for you to name the spot, but yes, anyone who visits this board has likely fished that same spot a few hundred times.

It is pretty cool that it hit way out so that you could enjoy her fight all the way in! Awesome job on the solo landing as well--you must have nerves of steel. I guess you need to experience a big fish or two on your own to realize the extra equipment you need in/on your boat. What kind of net were you using. We have a Frabill KwikKradle, which would be difficult to use solo on such a large fish.

Great work and awesome fish!

Mark Benson
09-08-2012, 09:12 AM
Fishing muskies by myself solo quite frequently, after landing with the net, I use the cradle to measure and get pics. The cradle gives me the opportunity to keep the fish in the water the whole time and take time to be collected...


Ty Sennett
09-08-2012, 09:48 AM
Nick, I'd guess anywhere from 21 to 24 inch girth. That fish looks on the heavier side of things. 25 inch girth might be a stretch. We've only had one that was a legitimate 25 inch girthout here. It was the same length but a November fish.

nick kahle
09-08-2012, 04:09 PM
dave, i was using a frabill power catch. one size under the big kahuna. i always keep the handle extended and ready to go. i have netted quite a few solo and have never missed one yet. it is alot easier when someone can net it for you though that's for sure.