View Full Version : The guide catches all of the fish!

09-05-2012, 10:25 AM
On the final trip with our guide he showed us how to catch the big ones. "Don't use cowgirls, they only hit here on spinners," quoted the guide. Within an hour he had caught 4 monsters on HIS cowgirl. Of course we didn't get to measure them, but they all exceeded his claim of 36 inches.
He claimed it was most unusual and the storm within 50 miles was the cause of this phenomenon. We did get to hold the rod and help with the release and I did snap a couple of pictures.
Still it was a great week as always at Frank and Laura's.
Cindy (wife of Rasputin)
P.S. This is my 40 inch fish. Apparently Frank's were too big to upload.

09-05-2012, 11:38 AM
i saw you guys fishing that night (i was in the white Skeeter tiller) and got out of your way. the way the guide was slinging those cowgirls around looked too dangerous for me. i can't imagine what it was like standing next to him?

and i might have heard that guide mumble something the next day about how "it was just like the good old days..."

nice fish, btw!

09-05-2012, 01:26 PM
It was dangerous and the one time that our lines did cross...well you know who was the one to catch the fish!
My fish was from another day. Frank never brings his into the boat. He's supposed to post the picture I did take of one of his big ones, but they are just old hat to him.

Frank Walsh
09-06-2012, 08:27 AM
One of the four 36 inchers caught with Team Hansen. Quite the good luck charm that Cindy is.
Not to mention a special thanks to Randy Meyer for his Ran-jo double 10 that turned their heads.


09-06-2012, 12:55 PM
His "36 inchers" made my 40 look like a guppy. Most fishermen exaggerate! He "under-rates". We did get to help with the releases so we got feel what a truly BIG fish feels like on the line.

09-19-2012, 04:10 PM
I had to laugh when I saw this thread because I knew right where it was going.

I was with said gentleman (& I use that term quite, quite, QUITE loosly) in question just the other day when he caught one of his "36 inchers". I will assure you his 36 incher was much closer to 5' than it was to 3'. If you ask him about it now he will go Sgt. Shultz so here is the details. It was about __" caught next to ______ island, on a _____, near the _________, and he was using a _____ & ______ _________. I bet he edits this before anyone sees this post.

09-19-2012, 04:35 PM
I told you so!!!

________, You dirty _____ __ _ ______! I hope your next cast is a smooth as a rusty trombone!