View Full Version : September 9th report

Ty Sennett
09-10-2012, 08:26 AM
Not the best day on the water yesterday. We fished eight hours yesterday and had a couple short hits and one big follow. We kind of knew going into the day that it was going to be tough on us. The follow we had was with a bunch of weeds on the bucktail. The blade was still spinning with all the weeds. That must have been just enough to get his attention. Maybe today will be better.

Good luck,

09-16-2012, 09:24 AM

Thanks again for a great day on the water. Carrie and I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. You work very hard and it is easy to see why you are so successful.

We made it back home to Indiana and our fall season down at Lake Kinkaid is just getting going, so we are looking forward to that. A fishing buddy e-mailed me a picture of a 48" fish he caught Saturday and another caught three over 40" today and lost three others......... and I have obligations that will keep me from getting to the lake for two weeks.

Ty Sennett
09-18-2012, 08:46 AM
It was great fishing with you two. I just wish the fish would have cooperated better for us. Good luck down south and say hi to Chad from me if you see him.