View Full Version : September 10th and 11th report

Ty Sennett
09-12-2012, 06:39 AM
On the 10th we started at noon and went straight through to sundown. Becky caught her first muskie ever on a Pacemaker. She also gave me the assist by reeling in a 40 1/2 incher on a Pacemaker. We caught one other 37 incher on a Rough Runner and lost one on a Rough Runner. I blew one on a Cowgirl too.

Yesterday we did a four hour trip in the morning. We had three fish follow up. One on a Pacemaker and two on Cowgirls. One made a half hearted attempt in the figure eight. Nothing of any size yesterday. Maybe today. After all it is Rachel's birthday today.


09-12-2012, 08:18 AM

Going to be up this weekend for the first time this year to fish the flowage. My 4th annual musky camp kicks off Friday afternoon. Any general information on location of fish? Have they moved shallow with the cool down? Breaks? Scattered? How is the weed growth this year? More weeds on the west or east side?

riverrat 47

Ty Sennett
09-13-2012, 07:52 AM
You'll find the fish in about every location possible. We've caught the muskies deep shallow and everywhere in between. yesterday we caught one in two feet of water and one in fifteen feet of water. Things will change after the weekend but for now topwater has been really good. The weeds are good in some areas and non existant in others. Both the east and west sides have been good. Like always the more you fish one side the more you catch on that side. It sounds a little wishy washy but it's true. You guys shaould do well with the good weather coming in Friday.