View Full Version : Fishing report for 9-16-2012

09-17-2012, 08:21 AM
Hi everyone,

Guided a great group of guys out of Deerfoot lodge yesterday. Took Stve D. and Steve V. out in the A.M. and father/ son Dan and Jason in the P.M.. Even though we experinced an extremely lite bite for most ofthe day, we still wound up with a decent multi specie catch of SMM bass,perch,bluegill,crappie, and only 1 walleye. The two Steves went northern fishng when I took Dan and Jason in the afternoon and caught some really nice northerns. Interestingly, the only walleye we got in the boat was caught by Steve D. and was his first ever walleye. I have to tell everyone. Steve D. didn't catch the walleye until Steve V rubbed a crappie on the top of Steve D.'s lucky hat. Then bingo! Steve D. caught the walleye. Hmm, whatever works I quess.

The weather conditions seemed perfect with filtered sunshine and warm temps that were tempered by a variable west wind. The water temps had gone down to 65 degrees in the morning but had gone up to 68 by afternoon. We fished woody humps all day and caught all the different species out on them. Am finding the fish a little deeper on the humps, but still relating to the wood. Lost a lot of jigs, luckily they are lead free jigs. Lots of times we would get a hit and the fish swim into a stump and get us hopelessly snagged. My lead free jigs are working as well as the toxic leaded variaty and I think even better. I will be marketing them next year. Watch for them. I'll post when they're ready.

If you would like to hunt for some fall walleyes, contact me and we'll work up a day. I still provide my jgs free so losing some won't cost you a thing. I want to remind everyone that I do fish the walleyemaxx system and teach that to alll my clients. To learn more, order my book "The Walleyemaxx System". At $14.95, it's a bargain. Good luck fishing everyone.
