View Full Version : Extended growth walleye stocking starts Friday

10-03-2012, 10:10 PM
Hi everyone,

Just recieved an email from Barb from Johnson's resort who is the secretary of the Lake Chippewa Flowage Resort association about the schedule for releasing of 25000 extended growth walleyes. they will start friday morning at Deer run resort where they will release 4000EGW. then they will travel to Treelands resort and release 4000 EGW. Next stop will be at The Landing resort to release 4000EGW and finish up at Big Musky where they will release another 4000EGW for a total of 16000 for the day.

They will resume the stocking on Tuesday the 9th at Crane lake releasing 1000EGW, then travel down to Tiger Musky Resort to release 4000EGW. The last stop will be at Reeders resort on Chief lake where they will release the last 4000EGW.

This is made possible by all the donations and fund raisers held throughout the year. A big thank you to all who donated, and to everyone from the CFAPOA( Chippewa Flowage Area Property Owners Association) for their tireless year around efforts to raise money to fund projects such as this. Good luck fishing everyone.


10-05-2012, 11:08 AM
Hi everyone,

With cold air temps in the mid thirty's and a blustery wind making things difficult, The CFAPOA successfully released 16,000 EGW into the Big Chip this morning. Thanks to Gollons bait and fish farm and to John Kaiser and Al McElroy for thier hard work in assisting in the operation. Despite the weather, they helped make the release go smoothly. Importantly, not one EGW was lost. That's a remarkable feat. It was warming to watch the little guys swim to freedom knowing that the future of the walleye fishery will only get better. Next round will be Tuesday with the release of 9,000 more EGW. Good luck fishing evryone.


10-09-2012, 11:09 AM
Hi everyone,

The final 9,000 EGW were stocked this morning at three different places to make a total of 25,000. Unfortunatly there was some loss on this round. How many were lost was yet to be determined. Didn't hear any final numbers but was told the CFAPOA would be compensated for them. Overall the program has been very successful with at least a 95-98% survival rate. These fish hold a big promise for the future of the walleye fishery in the Big Chip. This morning, Rick Marks helped Al Mcelroy with the honor of helping the Gollons driver deliver the goods.

A big heart felt thanks goes out to everyone involved in this project from the CFAPOA to the BCFF to the LCFRA and of course to everyone who donated money to this woth while undertaking. The future of the walleye fishery just got better thanks to you. Good luck fishing everyone.


10-11-2012, 08:20 PM
Hi everyone,

Just heard some good news, Gollons fish and bait farm just released 5500 more EGW today to make up for the ones that didn't survive on Tuesday. They really stand behind their word. Thanks Gollons. good luck fishing everyone.
