View Full Version : New Suick / New Movie Star

Frank Walsh
10-10-2012, 07:19 AM
Since Ryan brought it up, I thought I'd mention Suick's new lure. After a million or so years of producing them in wood, they have come out with a 9" plastic version. Works incredibly well right out of the box. Requires no tuning. Kind of takes the fun out of buying a new one. No searching for the one you want. High eye, low eye, denser wood. more buoyant, etc.. Kind of a cross between a floater or weighted. Bending the tail down drives it pretty deep, with increased side to side motion. And through wire construction to boot. A new must have.

The only downside to this new lure is the advertising. In a move that can only be described as desperation, they have used an image of our own Chris Green (Jakes supposed father) in the new ad. All kidding aside, awesome fish, and not a bad government haircut. Congratulations Chris!


10-10-2012, 01:23 PM
Huh,wasn't it his boat buddy that touted his prowess with Suicks?You know,that old fighter pilot guy,whatever his name was?Strange twist of fate I guess.

Ryan I did throw one a bit-awesome is the word that comes to mind.