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11-14-2012, 07:38 PM
Wow is this site slow for the past few days. I'm just wondering if it's working or is it broken ? Anybody here ??? hahaha
Happy hunting !

Chuck Schranz
11-15-2012, 09:28 AM
Hey Robert...was wondering the same thing! Kinda been waiting for the end of year totals and thinking Ty and his guests were still
putting fish in the boat as we wind down 2012. Only six more months til the 2013 opener...Can't wait
Chuck Schranz

11-15-2012, 12:18 PM
This is the quietest this site has been in a long time. A lot of people must be out hunting.

For me, I have been working on my Christmas list of musky must haves for next year. Anyone else have anything major on their list??

11-15-2012, 03:01 PM
I don't know about everyone else, but I will be musky fishing tomorrow and next week as long as I can get the boat in the water. Unfortunately, the northwoods is completely out of suckers. I had to take a class in Madison today, so I had this bright idea to buy a bunch of suckers this morning, and leave them in my car with an aerator rigged up to my cigarette lighter. It worked great, except I left the lid open so the air tube wouldn't pinch shut. When I got back to my truck, I had several dead ones lying on the floor. Forgot that some of them are jumpers. Oh well...I've pissed away $20+ dumber ways than that. Anyway, I still have some survivors to drag around. Hopefully I'll have something fresh to report soon.


11-15-2012, 08:51 PM
Whew. At least the site is not broken, that would be a bummer !

I live in Illinois, and I left my boat at a friends house in Hayward since August. Normally, I go back up in Sept., fish a couple of days, then drag my boat back home. This year, all the timimg was off and I didn't make it up in Sept., nor did I make it up in Oct.. Ack ! So my friend said, "Hey...you gonna' get your boat or what ?"

It was taking up all the room in his garage, bless his heart for taking care of it. Anyway...I went up last Wed. 7 Nov. Sad to say, I only stayed overnight, hitched up the boat early the next morning, and returned home. NO FISHING ! For some odd reason, I felt compelled to get home ASAP. Plus, it was cold up there and I didn't have the where-with-all to hack some Nov. fishing. What with the lack of fishing reports, and a report of ice in back bays, I just couldn't get revved up to open water fish. I am ashamed.
Now it's gonna' be in the 50's here for a while. I'm pondering fishing my local lake for Muskie. At least now, I have all my gear to go fishing. (I was suffering this weird withdrawl anxiety thing with my gear in my boat, all in Hawyard. It was strange.) So now I've got my goop and maybe I can go fishing, or not. lol It's good not to have the shakes from missing my tackle.
Anyway...I'm glad the site is working, even if it is slow. Thanks for the feedback. I reckon some folks are going a little dormant fishing wise, until ice up. I applaud those of you hardy enough to bait cast the end of open water ! Hope y'all get into a good one.

11-16-2012, 07:28 AM
Nothing to really do with this discussion but people have been getting some big fish on Mille Lacs the last week or so. If you go to the Muskie First site you can see two of them that Jason Hammernick's clients got. The figure both would have been state records.

Ty Sennett
11-20-2012, 09:58 AM
I have been out fishing some and finnishing up some end of season cleanup on boats, docks, lures, and everything else. Tomorrow is the last day of fishing for me unless I get out in Minnesota with Luke and Hammernick next week. Sorry for the slow site. I'll be back on here in an hour or so with year end totals. The fall was tough to say the least.