View Full Version : December 31st report

Ty Sennett
01-01-2013, 09:35 AM
I fished in the afternoon with my nephews and two brothers and my nephews caught about 80 perch in an hour or so and then got bored with that. Not many big ones but some that could have been kept to eat. We caught some nice crappie also and kept twenty of them between 9 and 11 inches. We threw back some bigger ones and some smaller ones. I'd guess we caught about fifty or sixty of them. The crappie were fairly aggressive for a short time and then they were gone. Hard to really pinpoint where they were going even with the 140 or so holes we had.

01-02-2013, 12:27 AM
Geezzzz..that's a lot of drilling. You must have a power auger. I had this one 6" Mora auger, the blue one, and I never really could get it to cut very well. Shimmed it, tried to sharpen it, new blades, bla bla bla, and it just wouldn't drill worth a hoot. Then I got disgusted and got a 4" Lazer at Farm & Fleet. I like that one a lot. Just hope I don't try to land a big fish through it. I haven't had that challenge to this point, fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how one views that.

One thing I did find out...those shavings that come from the hole, they make THE best ice for using in the ice cream freezer when ya' make your own frozen custard. Yum. Dad always usta' chop the ice out of the cattle or horse water trough with an ax and use it for freezing. Big coarse chunks it was, loaded with bovine snot. (Not such a yummy concept.) But, hey, I ate a lot of Ma & Dad's home made ice cream and I think I'm just fine.

01-02-2013, 10:04 AM
I can just see it now. Ben and Jerry's newest flavor: Cow Loogie. Yum Yum...

Ty Sennett
01-03-2013, 09:06 AM
Cow Loogie ice cream. That might explain a lot Robert. Here and I thought your quirks were just a products of the 70's but now it all comes out..............cow loogie ice cream.

01-03-2013, 10:39 PM
Ah yes, quirks. I have strived for MANY, MANY years to arrive at this point now. Some of my endeavors have been of my own making, others have been forced upon me by, happenstance, fate, or karma. In the rooster tail of life, one sometimes just never knows what lies behind the next island or under the next briar patch. It is this unknown that provides some of the thrill, or puzzlement !

Wisdom has taught me: don't smoke, it sucks, or it really freaks you out when it occurs to you that you are on fire, thus smoking.

Actually, I thought horse loogie custard had a bit more....robustness to it. Or it might have been that extra teaspoon of vanilla extract Ma added to the batch. Ohhhh, those were the days !