View Full Version : January 15th and 16th report

Ty Sennett
01-17-2013, 08:36 AM
I di some scouting around on the 15th for a couple hours by myself. I didn't find anything worthwile but did find a big muskie that was froze into the ice over by Deerfoot. The ice is so clear that you can see the fish plain as day. It looked to be mid forty inches or better.

Yesterday I fished with John Gillespie and we did pretty good. We fished right where everyone else always fishes so no secret hot spot. In fact, a couple of the locals were out right next to us or we were out right next to them however you look at it. I think we got about thirty on film over ten inches. That was more than enough for a show. The show will air in two weeks because John had another good shoot two days ago up on Lake Superior catching trout. That show will air this weekend. Always a good time with John. He cracks me up.

01-17-2013, 12:22 PM
I cant wait to see you with John! I hope you got some Johnsonvilles.

I di some scouting around on the 15th for a couple hours by myself. I didn't find anything worthwile but did find a big muskie that was froze into the ice over by Deerfoot. The ice is so clear that you can see the fish plain as day. It looked to be mid forty inches or better.

Yesterday I fished with John Gillespie and we did pretty good. We fished right where everyone else always fishes so no secret hot spot. In fact, a couple of the locals were out right next to us or we were out right next to them however you look at it. I think we got about thirty on film over ten inches. That was more than enough for a show. The show will air in two weeks because John had another good shoot two days ago up on Lake Superior catching trout. That show will air this weekend. Always a good time with John. He cracks me up.