View Full Version : Feels Fishy Around Here

Red Childress
02-28-2013, 07:22 AM
I have to admit, it has felt very fishy the past several days. I pulled the boat out of the garage for the first time in 2 months last Saturday for a test run and did manage to fish for an hour or two.....only had 1 follow from a low-40's pike. ( I ended up pulling the bait away from her after the first half turn of the 8 cuz I just did not feel like taking the chance of a bad hook-up. She was super thick and full of eggs.) This humid weather should have some fish moving and I sure wish I was able to get out today and check a few areas.

Has anyone had any action over the past week or so?? I need to hear some fish stories and I really don't care if they are true or not. :)

02-28-2013, 07:51 AM
I was able to get out last sunday only after breaking the ice away from the ramp! Fished for a few hours but with no luck, the water was 31 degrees and some of the areas were packed with bait fish more than I have ever seen while fishing in this particular area. It looks as thought the weather will be slightly changing and the temps hanging in the high 30s to low 40s over the next few days.

Katmai Kid
02-28-2013, 01:12 PM
Hey Coach, Cathcart here. We fished Saturday and Sunday on the Zua hard water. Four of us caught over 50 walleye. 14 keepers, largest was 23" Also caught 2 pike 34" and 30" lots of big fish lost. Everyone we talked to was into fish though the place was packed with people!! Ice was great, good 8" of solid ice as of Sunday afternoon. Back at it again this weekend!! Hope all is well on the River!

Red Childress
03-02-2013, 06:47 AM
Sounds like you guys kicked some butt as usual. Nice hearing from you man. Tell mom and pops I said hello!