View Full Version : Spearing

03-19-2013, 09:01 AM
I just read that the indians are going to spear a near record 59,399 walleyes this spring. I was just wondering what the reason for this is? Is it retaliation for wolf hunting or what? What do they do with all those fish? Just curious as I have heard stories of walleyes being sold and worse yet thrown in a ditch and left to rot.

Ty Sennett
03-19-2013, 10:17 AM
You got me on this one. I will say the more you complain the more fish will be speared so if you want changes a public forum is not a good start. You'll want to try to make changes by lobbying at a higher level than my message board. The bill was signed by our governor a few years back to allow spearing. I'm not for spearing but do see it in the spring and know they use every fish for food. Granted one idiot ruins it for the whole group when you talk about throwing fish in ditches. That's no different than the non-tribal group that overharvested panfish by the thousands a couple years ago. A couple bad eggs make it look bad for the group that is doing things by the books.

03-19-2013, 12:08 PM
Sorry if I came off as complaining. I understand that there is nothing you, I or anyone else who really cares can do anything about. I was just wondering if anyone who lives around that area would know why they are going to take 30,000 more this year.

Ty Sennett
03-19-2013, 05:10 PM
No worries, I didn't take it as complaining. I'm not sure on the higher numbers.