View Full Version : Opener???

Captain Ahab
04-22-2013, 09:27 AM
Hi All,

Just throwing this out there... With the upper bay still ice covered and the crazy "spring" weather going on, I wanted to get some discussion started on how people feel this will affect the opener. The forecast has me thinking the ice will be gone or close to gone around the first of May, which is as late as I can remember it happening.

With this in mind, I'll offer a few things I feel will change regarding this versus prior openers. I'm guessing we'll see less emerging weed growth, colder water and possibly fish dropping out of the river as after opener. Based on this, I'm betting the ticket will be to fish as slow as possible.

Anyone have a chance to check out the rivers for spawning walleye? I think there's plenty of snow melt yet to occur. With this warm weather on the horizon, I'm guessing we'll see rivers rise considerably. I talked to someone living in the Amasa area who claimed he has 3-4 feet of snow in his yard. What a crazy, crazy year.


04-24-2013, 03:35 PM
Well,it is setting up to be totally different than last year. That is what makes the opener so exciting; you don't know what you are going to get or where they will be. Thank God for all the precip the last few months; both rain and snow. At least we should be able to get a boat in for the start of the season.