View Full Version : crib maps/rock area/structure updates

05-15-2013, 09:24 AM
After my seminar at the 2012 Madison Fishing Expo I sold data that included all the (at that time) current coordinates for cribs, rock areas, structure, etc. for all four of our lakes here (the data was on a CD). Part of the package included one year of free updates to the database. I now have the revised data available and have emailed it out to everyone who has verified their email address. However, I was unable to either correctly read (or the email address was invalid) some of the email addresses people had given me at the Expo. I want to make sure everyone who purchased the package gets their free update (it�s been over a year since the expo but these updates are still free). If you haven�t heard from me about this please email me at my personal address:


* replace the �X� with the @ sign

I will send you out the updates. I�ve got the original handwritten sign up sheet so I can cross check and correct errors in the names/addresses list. I�ve been having (as others also have) issues with Lake-Links PM system, which I�ve notified them about a couple of times and have never received a response, so please use my personal email address. Thanks, Rick