View Full Version : May 8th fishing report

Ty Sennett
07-09-2013, 06:34 AM
I had some new muskie anglers out yesterday and we didn't start the day off the best. The first two casts were the two worst backlashes of the year. They took a while to get out but we figured out how to cast after some coaching. The guys I had out were great but haven't ever picked up a baitcaster so by the end of the day they were whipping them out quite a bit further than that first cast. The fish didn't seem to want to reward their efforts but either way we had a good time.

In the evening I had long time clients out and we had one follow a Pacemaker and thought it was going to hit at the boat. It put on a good show anyway but turned off. On our last cast of the night one smoked a Rough Runner but we didn't get it. That turned into a few more last casts but we didn't get the fish. Then it was off to Treelands for pizza.

Good luck,