View Full Version : July 19th 20th and 21st report

Ty Sennett
07-22-2013, 08:56 AM
On the 19th and 20th I had Zach from Drifter Tackle out and we fished pretty hard and played around with some new baits also. Zach ended up with a 48 incher and I caught a 40 incher. Zachs was on a Pacemaker while mine was on a Stillwater. We saw quite a few others in the two days but only managed those two. That was a personal best for Zach.

Yesterday we had a lot of action on Flowage Boas. With the exception of one missed fish on a Bulldawg and one deep follow on a Bulldawg, the rest of the action was all Boas. I think we had ten fish total up and boated three mid thirty inch fish. Amy Sura caught two, and lost two. My Mike Dirczs caught one in the evening in a figure eight at the first spot. We even caught a couple big walleye yesterday to cap off a fun day.

Water temps went down slightly but you still want to handle the fish carefully,

07-22-2013, 06:13 PM
Thanks Ty, another great outing for the Dircz boys. Why the worst "technical fisherman" in the family keeps landing the muskies is a bit of a mystery, but I'm not complaining :-)

Ty Sennett
07-24-2013, 06:35 AM
That's too funny. I love fishing with you guys. Micheal asks the best questions and you get to catch all the fish. Thanks again,