View Full Version : Flatlanders invasion, chapter 2

07-30-2013, 02:42 PM
Just wondering if you had anything special planned for the fortunate few who get to visit you twice this year.

Muskie Junkie
08-03-2013, 11:54 PM
Well chapter 2 made it here safe and sound. Mark Johnson who has been on the Flatlander outing in the past is in camp with his good buddy Carl. Todays report is Chilly today Hot...... wrong comment. Mark and Rhonda got on the board with Rhonda getting a 39. They saw 8. Krissie and I saw 6. I hogged another fish that bumped out to 44. We also got 2 pike, one that was a little big head 37. We look to have north winds until Wednesday when the cold front hits, so what direction does that wind come from ?????? Regardless, water temps today were around 70 degrees and it was very comfortable fishing. We will try to keep this updated but the narrator is a bit slow on the draw. Steve

08-04-2013, 09:39 AM
CHILLY TODAY...HOT fishing TOMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muskie Junkie
08-04-2013, 10:27 PM
Day 2 was a mixed bag. We only saw 6 fish today, Mark and Rhonda saw 10. Conditions seemed ideal, southwest winds cloud cover and occasional light drizzle. Mark boated a 42 where he found his big rack. He lost what he thinks was a 43 inch pike at the net. Would have been his personal best. Krissie lost a good fish right at dark with a boatside explosion. I boated another 33 and a turd, have pics on the bumpboard to verify that. I also got a 32.5. Both those fish ate out on the cast. Raining now. We are settling in with a few drinks and plan on hitting it early tomorrow. Weather looks promising but it did today too. Oh yah, one of our fellow camp members got a super nice 50. Have not talked to him or seen the pics but Frank said it was a good un.


Muskie Junkie
08-06-2013, 12:03 AM
Day 3 has been quite an adventure. Started out with cloudy misty morning... perfect. Second spot in 1 foot rollers put a 45.5 in the net on the figure 8. Fished till the clouds disappeared down in Naongoshing in heavy bloom. Saw 2. Decided to head to camp for late lunch and a nap. Started back out and at the dock stuck a 3/0 treble hook in my knee. OUCH !!! 5 hours later and a trip to the emergency room in Roseau we are back to camp. Thanks goes out to Frank, Laura and all the gang that were here that helped out. Missed the night bite though.....

Mark and Rhonda moved several fish today when Rhonda got a 35 on the 8. Glad they were able to do that.

May sleep in a bit tomorrow. Late dinner and a night cap to ease some pain.


08-06-2013, 02:50 PM
May Day! May Day! OUCH!!!!

Muskie Junkie
08-06-2013, 10:26 PM
DING DING DING DING !!!! Mark and Rhonda had their best day ever. Mark got his first 50 and Rhonda with a personal best 48 !! They lost 6 of which 3 were 48 inchers. They were on BIG fish today !! Double 10's were the bait of choice. Rhonda's fish is on video so that will be a must see. Kris and I had a good day also. We saw 15, lost a 45 and put a 40.5 in the boat. Cold Front hits tomorrow so we shall see what that does. Congratulations Mark and Rhonda on a fantastic day!

08-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Sounds like a great trip except for that hook-in-the-knee incident. Congrats to Mark and Rhonda on their big fish.

08-07-2013, 06:37 PM
I hear they had another good day!!!

Muskie Junkie
08-07-2013, 10:50 PM
DING, DING, DING again!! Mark got another 50, this time 50.25 !!! The boy is on fire ! 15 MPH NNW winds today made it a challenge and a bit cool. I know Mark also lost one about 48 today but I did not get a count on how many they saw. We saw 10 today, lost a 45, and I got a 37 off of Scotties tree. That is 3 fish of the last few years that fish have come off that. Krissie lost a 43ish fish on a boatside explosion and then proceeded to raise a super tanker 2 casts later. I am guessing 52-53 class fish. DEFINATELY heading back to there tomorrow. Well, back to eating and beverage. Steve

08-08-2013, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the updates Steve. It makes it fun to check out the posts. How's the knee? Kind of changes things to "people style" doesn't it? Good luck!

Muskie Junkie
08-09-2013, 11:08 PM
Well, sorry for no updates yesterday, could not log in for some reason. Any rate, yesterday was a WINDY day. Rhonda got a 46.5 and I scratched out a little 31.5. Today was a better day, they called for 17MPH winds but they never came. Mark got a 45 and a 48.5, Rhonda got a 44.5. Krissie lost one at boatside and had a 47 try to eat twice before it lost interest. I was able to get a 49 and then a 42 to finish off the trip. This was my best numbers trip to LOTW. Mark and Rhonda ended up with 11 fish, we had 9. It was another fun time and except for the Hook in the knee, things went smoothly. I hope everyone enjoyed these updates. We had memory filled week creating them. See you when we get back. Steve