View Full Version : Fishing report for 8-07-2013

08-07-2013, 08:41 PM
Hi everyone,

Had a fun couple Mike and Mary staying at Lake Chippewa Campground out for a full day today. With chilly air temps and heavy clouds that looked like they could let loose and with a stiff North wind making an excellent walleye chop, we probed the deep wood with my lead-free jigs tipped with minnows and leeches and we brought in some dandy walleyes. We totaled 8 keeping 4 nice ones and mike lost two nice fish. That was in the A.M. 6 of the walleyes were on leeches today.

After a Philly cheese steak at Deerfoot we ventured out and found the fish developed lock jaw. It took a few hours before we finally started to boat smallies,crappies, and perch. Never did get a walleye in the afternoon. The weather did change to mostly sunny but everything else was the same. The water temps hung around the 70 degree mark again today so at least that has stabillized. Good luck fishing everyone.
