View Full Version : Three Rivers Muskies Inc. Fall Chautauqua Team Tournament

allegheny river kid
09-15-2013, 08:04 PM
Chautauqua Lake Team Tournament 2013
Hosted by Three River Chapter of Muskies Inc.
September 28 & 29th
Signup, Fees and Payouts
Tournament Headquarter at the Pendergrast boat launch. Sign up 6:30 to 7:30am July 20th
Entry fee is $50 per 2 man team. $10 will go to Three Rivers Muskies. 6 rod boat limit!
Non Muskies Inc members will be charged and additional $10 per team member to enter
Optional 50" pot, only Three Rivers members are eligible. The first 50"+ caught, witnessed by another Three Rivers Member in another boat and safely released will take the money.
This will be a cash tournament, 1st place 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd place 10% and longest musky caught will take the other 10%.
Tournament hours will be from 8am to 6pm Saturday and 8am to 2pm Sunday
There will be No Fishing outside the tournament hours
This is a team points event. Each 30" musky will be worth 5 points and 1 additional point for every inch over 30". Most points per team will take the prizes.
All fish must be witnessed by a Three Rivers member, your boat partner can be your witness. If you are a member fishing with a non member you can witness your own fish.
This is a 100% catch and release and artificial lures only tournament. No planer boards
All entrants must sign a release of liability form before participating
Prize money will be split evenly in event of any ties
Release forms must be turned in by 3pm Sunday at the Pendergrast boat launch
All tournament director decisions Will be final
We will be using channel 9 on the marine radio
Good luck and be safe!

Red Childress
09-30-2013, 06:22 AM
I heard a little bit about the results but not enough to post. Hopefully, someone has time this morning (in between cups of coffee) to give us a complete rundown.

Red Childress
10-01-2013, 09:05 AM
I received this email this morning.

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Here are the results for the Chautauqua Team Tournament held September 28th & 29th.

1st Dale Wiley & John Ryhal 6 fish

2nd Nick Pflum & Todd Yester 6 fish

3rd Frank Alcorn & Mike Deponceau 6 fish

10-01-2013, 06:31 PM
Daaaayum... sounds like a good weekend.

allegheny river kid
10-02-2013, 08:06 PM
There were 12 teams that fished the 2 day tournament. Big fish honors went to Dale Wiley with a 47.5". Somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 fish were landed between all contestants.