View Full Version : Year End Results

Ty Sennett
11-18-2013, 02:34 PM
I finally have tallied up the fish for the year. We actually caught more than I thought. I'll post the numbers, size, and lures they were caught on. I missed a couple fish and lures but have most of them.

Total number----98 muskies
Total under 30 inches----4 muskies
total 30 to 35 inches----17 muskies
total 35 to 40 inches----39 muskies
total 40 to 45 inches----21 muskies
total 45 to 50 inches----13 muskies
4 unknown size

Baits caught on:
Cowgirl----20 muskies
Quick Set Rigs----12 muskies
Pacemaker----11 muskies
Bulldawg----11 muskies
Flowage Boa----11 muskies
Stillwater----8 muskies
Ghosttail----4 muskies

I missed a few fish I'm sure but got the majority of them written down. I didn't have the length down by four of them but I can get them off Treelands chart the next time I'm in there. I'm guessing they weren't that big or I would probably remember them better.

Overall, we had a better year than I expected for numbers and the average size wasn't too bad. The one thing that stood out while tallying the numbers was the low amount of Ghosttail fish. Normally that's one of our best baits. If anything this year taught me to be versatile on spots and lures. That's what makes the Chip such a tough lake. Also I keep track of location caught and only had two off Petes Bar this year. That's my lowest ever. I did have a new spot that kicked out a bunch of fish. Funny thing is I've never seen a fish there or seen anyone fish there. I had another new spot that kicked out three fish 47 to 48 inches so that's also kind of interesting. It was another busy year with lots of great clients. Thanks to everyone that made the year a success.

11-21-2013, 10:42 PM
Cool ! I was one of four to boat a rare under 30 ! Just how groovy is that ? Wheeeeee ! We so rock the boat Mr. Sennett.

Oh yeah, don't forget that massive hook set I had on that one fish where I literally broke that hair bait. Would have helped the numbers in the final analysis. Yes.

Ty Sennett
11-22-2013, 10:29 AM
Yep, I still kick myself for not setting that bait aside and buying a new one. We caught so many fish on that Flowage Boa that it was hard not to keep throwing it. I knew that wire was weak but hoped it held on for a few more fish. It's like driving down the road and noticing your lug nuts are loose but trying to make it to the next exit. Well, maybe not that bad.

11-22-2013, 06:24 PM
No. No, no, no. That wire was not weak. I personally inspected it when you were distracted. My hook set did that bait in. That's my story and I'm sticking with 'till I croak. I am known for my feeble hook setting ability, but on this rare occasion, I was actually paying attention to what was going on, was keenly in tune with rod, reel, and lure and the savage strike of that enormous fish, and I had a rush of power never before known by me and I laid the graphite to it ! And, and, and, and...once again I failed to land the beast. Such is Musky fishing.

Interesting correlation to loose lug nuts. Are you suggesting that I am, ummmm, shall we say, not normal ?