View Full Version : Stonington

02-17-2014, 05:14 PM
Does anyone have info on travel conditions out of Stonington? Can a quad make it out off there? Also, is the boat launch plowed?

02-17-2014, 11:31 PM
I tried messaging you back 3 times and it won't allow me too, when I hit submit my screen goes blank, sorry, I haven't been to the boat launch as we leave from our place near hunters but everywhere I went on the outer bay I would recommend snowmobiles, never saw a truck or quad track anywhere south of Gladstone off the pack trails. If it ever warms up and the snow packs you would probably be ok but for now it's over a foot of sugary snow.

02-18-2014, 01:53 PM
I got them, thank you for the info. When I tried to pm you, it didn't seem like it got sent, sorry for the multiple messages.

If anyone is out this week and things change on the outer bay, please let me know. We are coming up this Friday night and would like to know if quads will even get us around. We usually go out of the boat launch by Stonington but also fish the upper bay and off the Terrace Bay Inn...Thank you for any info.


02-18-2014, 02:20 PM
Four wheelers are pretty much useless out there right now unless they are on tracks. Big mess of a storm coming in Thursday night. I would STRONGLY suggest snowmobiles for travel.

02-19-2014, 06:24 PM
WalleyeMick I too had problems with the blank screen when using the private message. I sent you a private message with my email. Email me back. I pretty sure we met on the ice a few times.
