View Full Version : Change in license fees

The Bait Shop Guy
02-22-2014, 12:19 PM
Sorry guys, but due to changes on this site, I will no longer be posting fishing reports and info on Baysdenoc.com.

You can still follow my reports at upangler.com , lake-link.com , michigan-sportsman.com , 906outdoors.com , and Bay View Bait and Tackle's facebook page.

See you on the water.

weekend jimmy
02-22-2014, 06:35 PM
Wow!!!! I'm OK with the fishing aspect of things but this has hunting prices all jacked up!!!! So if I wanna harvest 2 deer its gonna cost me like $71!!!! That is outrageous!!!! The only purpose of the base license is increased revenue!!! This is an outrage!!! I don't hunt for trophies ......I hunt for food. With these prices its almost cheaper to go to walmart for meat. I fear this could drive up the amount of poaching. With the economy the ones struggling won't be able to afford to hunt legally. This just plain sucks. Rant over ......for now.

02-24-2014, 09:57 AM
Wow!!!! I'm OK with the fishing aspect of things but this has hunting prices all jacked up!!!! So if I wanna harvest 2 deer its gonna cost me like $71!!!! That is outrageous!!!! The only purpose of the base license is increased revenue!!! This is an outrage!!! I don't hunt for trophies ......I hunt for food. With these prices its almost cheaper to go to walmart for meat. I fear this could drive up the amount of poaching. With the economy the ones struggling won't be able to afford to hunt legally. This just plain sucks. Rant over ......for now.

How do you figure $71?

The way I'm buying all my licenses, it'll only cost me an extra $1...aside from an extra $10 for an ORV sticker.

If you buy two deer tags and a base license it's $51....that includes small game hunting too.

02-24-2014, 04:15 PM
As a non-=resident seeing my fee going from $42.00 to $76.00 I will no longer come to Michigan to send my money ( about 2 to 3 thousand a year ) I do not mind some small increases, but almost doubling. All for educate the public. Horse sh#*!@. I guess they do not want any out of state money. More people will try to fish illegally and hope they don't get caught or not go to Michigan.

02-25-2014, 11:23 AM
Really, you spend 2 to 3 thousand a year here and now $34 dollars is going to keep you from coming? Wisconsin non-resident fees have been at this rate for years. Michigan finally just caught up. No big deal.

02-25-2014, 03:01 PM
camo: anybody in business knows you rise prices by 80% people will stop buying that product. Even if you can afford it. Would you rather raise something 5% and have someone spend $3,00.00 or 80% and not spend anything. You will sooner or later have people go else where. Personally I know of 3 other people said they where no longer going to Michigan again. I have met many great people and made a few friends in the 20 yrs. going up north. I'll miss them. FYI License wis $50 Ind. $35 Ohio $40 Kent $50 Ala $50 Ten.$40. Ohio also recognizes Micigan orv stickers but Micigan does not honor Ohio's. (also raised 60%)

IM MuskyTime
02-25-2014, 03:13 PM
We need to hold the State accountable for the license fee increases. The have been a number of specific things tied to the increase, including improvements in fish and game opportunities. Below is the link to what's been promised in fisheries. Although I understand some people may not be willing to pay more for a license, I personally would be much happier to pay more for my license---even double---if the end product made it worthwhile. I hope people will be willing to take on some additional fees in support of what should be significantly increased opportunities in the future.


02-25-2014, 03:14 PM
FYI an all species non-resident Wisconsin license that includes inland and great lakes trout and salmon is $70 and has been for years. This is the same license you are paying $76 for in Michigan. If I followed your logic and if you followed your own, you would have quit fishing and driving when gas prices doubled. I not trying to get you fired up but I'm just saying, people piss away $34 on a lot more foolish things than fishing and having a good time with friends. If that is gone stop you from coming up here and enjoying yourself, I feel bad cause really if your spending thousands, what's an extra $34.

Esky Moe
02-27-2014, 12:19 PM
FYI an all species non-resident Wisconsin license that includes inland and great lakes trout and salmon is $70 and has been for years. This is the same license you are paying $76 for in Michigan. If I followed your logic and if you followed your own, you would have quit fishing and driving when gas prices doubled. I not trying to get you fired up but I'm just saying, people piss away $34 on a lot more foolish things than fishing and having a good time with friends. If that is gone stop you from coming up here and enjoying yourself, I feel bad cause really if your spending thousands, what's an extra $34.

This is more than the total fines levied against the illegal netters!

02-28-2014, 08:47 PM
"As a non-=resident seeing my fee going from $42.00 to $76.00 I will no longer come to Michigan to send my money ....."

I think Non Res. Wi fees for Small game and a deer license totaled $120 last year? Stop your whining about MI fees.

03-10-2014, 02:12 AM
"As a non-=resident seeing my fee going from $42.00 to $76.00 I will no longer come to Michigan to send my money ....."

I think Non Res. Wi fees for Small game and a deer license totaled $120 last year? Stop your whining about MI fees.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe MI's NR deer tag was $138 and WI was $160 in 2013. I think he was talking about his fishing costs.

03-10-2014, 10:09 AM
Won't be coming Mi. to go fishing anymore.

03-14-2014, 01:32 PM
As a WI resident, the way I see it is: I can troll anywhere, with up to 3 lines. That doesn't just mean planner boards or ski's etc. That means working a jig with the electric, using a dead stick while moving, and not having to have my line "vertical." It also means no Mickey Mouse 1 fish over 14" or 2 fish per lake or fighting the native Americans at the boat landings in the spring. I used to love to fish in Northern WI. We own property in Villas Co, and would love nothing more than to save 80-100 miles per trip, one way, to fish in that area. But, the local businesses don't give a rat's *ss about fishermen (evidenced the fight the resort owners are putting up against the latest trolling proposals)The fishermen don't bring in the money the snowmobilers and pleasure boaters do, so why should they cater to them? Have you listened to some of the stupid arguments they've put up? Make too much noise trolling all night? Really? Wonder where that guy got his info? Anyway, I'll pay the extra few bucks just not to get hassled, and to be able to fish in one of most beautiful parts of the country. If that increase keeps you out of MI, that's fine. More fish for the rest of us.