View Full Version : Nice end to season

Swamp Rat
03-16-2014, 12:03 PM
What a way to end the season. Fished south of Escanaba on Friday night. Was set up and fishing at around 7:00 in the evening. Caught my first fish at around 7:30 while jigging a #9 jigging rap in about 14fow. Fish was about 22inches. About 8 o`clock got my 2nd on a tip-up which was 23inches. Then right at dark got three more on tip-ups in about 10 minutes. All where 22-23 inches. Went back sunday and same thing happened. Ended up with 5 with the biggest at 10lbs 14oz. Now time for some perch fishing.

03-18-2014, 08:52 PM
Way to end it Swamp Rat!!! Pretty nice day ya bad............no........Damn nice day. Congrats and hope next year is as good........warmer, but good!!!