View Full Version : Lots of walleyes in fyke nets

05-02-2014, 07:11 PM
Hi everyone,

I was lucky enough to ride with the DNR boys while they checked their fyke nets today. With Biologist Max Wolter and his techs Russ and Chris, we saw a lot of walleyes in all size ranges. We saw and counted and measured many different year classes of walleyes as well as northern pike, crappie, and perch. The fish were all healthy and girthy. looks like they survived this harsh winter in excellent shape. Makes one anxious for the opener tomorrow. Afterwards Max gave a slide show presentation at Deerfoot Lodge which was very well attended to give us all a report of the health of the Chippewa Flowage fishery. Bottom line is it's in good shape and getting better. thanks Max! Good luck fishing everyone.
