View Full Version : Has crazy Spring weather effected baitfish populations this year?

Red Childress
06-09-2014, 11:48 AM
I am not seeing the normal amounts of fry out there like I usually do. Normally, when this happens it is a direct result of super high Springtime flows for prolonged periods of time.

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed an increase or decrease in baitfish populations thus far this Spring??

06-09-2014, 02:26 PM
I noticed the same thing and actually called my dad from the river last weekend to tell him. We typically have schools of the small fry hanging around the boat this time of year. Very little to no weed structure as well. I think the high water has messed them up too.

Red Childress
06-10-2014, 06:31 AM
Weeds are definitely behind schedule for sure. This high water scenario happened back in 1999 (IIRC) and the fishing was very good that following Summer and Fall. Maybe the same thing will happen this year.........

06-10-2014, 02:07 PM
I was just out on Keystone Lake and there were small bait fish a plenty. Weed growth looks great with a higher than usual lake level. The higher river levels are making that venue different for sure. Might be a year with a lot of river level changes.

06-13-2014, 07:12 PM
pin sized fry in pine creek near pittsburgh despite water temps around 70. North park lake lacking weeds ans gizzard shad (available in large schools in 2012 after lake was filled previous fall of 2011).

Red Childress
06-16-2014, 06:38 AM
I was out chasing walleye and bass all weekend long and I did not see anywhere close to 'normal' amounts of new fry out there. Maybe things are running a little behind schedule around here but the lack of 2-4 inch bait has me confused.