View Full Version : e-mail ty???

06-11-2014, 12:23 AM
Wanted to shoot you a couple questions about the trip on the 18th. Thought your email was on the web page, but I could not find it. Or if the email is something you do not want posted on here I can call ya. Thanks

Ty Sennett
06-11-2014, 06:41 AM
A call works best although I am on the water most days so it usually takes a while to hear back from me as I don't answer calls when I'm guiding. I took Saturday off so I can call you then if you want.

06-11-2014, 10:27 PM
A call works best although I am on the water most days so it usually takes a while to hear back from me as I don't answer calls when I'm guiding. I took Saturday off so I can call you then if you want.

You taking Saturday off to save up your strength to put up with me and Phil?!? See you Sunday morning!

Ty Sennett
06-12-2014, 07:34 AM
I don't feel that one day is enough prep time for you guys. I feel like I'm the lucky one. Most people would have to see a therapist in preparation for your group. And afterwards straight to the psych ward.